Sunday, February 5, 2012

What I've Been Up To

It's been forever since I've blogged!  Here's what I've been doing:

1. I changed positions at work and I have been needing to learn my new job.  I've also gotten a lot more responsibility (new committees and such), which means more time devoted to work.  
2. I've picked up a couple of new hobbies: sewing and guitar.  I am teaching myself, so I am failing miserably at both, but still having fun.
3. I was recently the matron of honor in my sister-in-law's wedding.  She was engaged for all of four months, so that has kept me pretty busy.
4. Chris and I have tried to make it a priority to get out of the house more. We've been exploring our city and spending more time with friends and family.  I am horrible at taking pictures of our adventures (note to self: get better at this! Those memories are precious!), but I think I should start taking pictures and posting them...We shall see.
5. Plain old life. And my unrealistic expectations that I can be superwoman and get everything done that I want to get done in a day.  I've really got to get over having those.  

Thank you to those who have kept in touch and wondered where I was.  This meant more to me than you realize.  

Hope to blog again very soon!

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